Enerike Ngaara Te Manu Carrasco Hotus
Georgia Lee Memorial Scholarship Award
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
2022 and 2023 marked significant milestones in my personal development, leadership and professional career. In terms of my career path, I participated in four field schools: Supervisor of archaeological surveys in San Vicente de Tagua-Tagua, Chile; excavation assistant for a month at a Viking site in Buttle, Gotland, Sweden; the Caleta Huelén 11 Cemetery at the mouth of the Loa River, Atacama Desert, Chile. and research assistant in Caldera, Atacama Desert, where I discovered a new archaeological site: a cave with bioarchaeological remains, stone walls, and projectile points. I named it 'Ana Inika', which means "Purple Cave" due to the color of the projectile points. Currently, I am leading a Rapanui archaeology workshop aimed at young people from 12 to 16 years old, as part of the archaeology group I founded, known as 'Herekiteaka'. And like last year, I continue with my work as president of the Rapanui Student Federation, Haka Nonoga.